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I started my first business at the age of 19 and have been building companies ever since. One of these companies saw me write and publish 16 books, which have collectively sold over a
quarter of a million copies.
This was followed by the launch of
Business Blueprint, an education company designed to help fellow entrepreneurs build the business of their dreams. Eight years on, I have already personally trained over 50,000 people and delivered over 1000 keynote presentations.
Then in 2016, my team and I launched
BRiN – the world’s first business advisor powered by artificial intelligence.
BRiN is a smart-phone App that is capable of providing personalised education and human-like support to every entrepreneur on the planet, all at the same time. (To find out more about
BRiN, visit
On a personal note, in 2007, I became a father and decided to start travelling with my young family. Following the formula – two months work, one month adventure – together with my wife Katherine and two boys, we have travelled to over 60 countries.
Plus, for the last five years, we have been supporting the charity ‘
Hands Across the Water’. By partnering with our clients, we have now collectively raised over $1,000,000, which now supports 350 children in Thailand with food, education, medical needs and most importantly, love.
Over the last 7 years, I’ve personally trained over 50,000 people to achieve greater levels of personal and business success. While proud, I’ve always dreamed of doing more.
Then in 2014, while on vacation in Vietnam, I had an experience that changed my life forever.
I got to chat with a local shop owner who said he was struggling to grow his business. I helped as much as I could but felt sad when I had to say goodbye.
BRiN is a smart-phone App that’s capable of providing personalised education and human-like support to every entrepreneur on the planet, all at the same time.
We have just released phase one of our product, which is our content library. In the App, you’ll find 600 TV quality business education videos and in the next six months, that number will exceed 1000.
Features include the ability to create your own personal learning program, switch back and forth between audio and video, and tap to speed up to the pace you learn.
There are over 500 million small to medium business owners (SMBs) on the planet – and without them, life as we know it simply wouldn’t exist. Sadly, however, over 50 million businesses fail each and every year, causing devastating effects on the business owner and their families. We decided enough is enough and it’s time to take a stand!
After research, we discovered that there are two big reasons why business owners fail. The first is a ‘lack of education’ and the second is a ‘lack of support’. So, we set out on a mission to make education accessible and support instant to millions of business owners around the world.
Given the scale of the problem, we realised conventional thinking and existing methods based on one-to-one coaching, meet-ups or live events wasn’t going to cut it. We needed to think big and we needed to act bold.
That’s when I turned to technology and our eureka moment happened. We said, “What if we built a machine that contained the collective intelligence of 1000 business experts. And what if that intelligence was put into an App and freely available to millions of business owners around the world? Now, that would be cool!”
Today it’s been used by 25,000 business owners from 86 countries around the world and we have a goal to grow that number to 1,000,000 within the next 2-3 years.
Having now worked with literally thousands of business owners, you see common traits in the ones that succeed and the ones that don’t. Below, you see some of the reasons as to why many business owners fail.
The good news is you don’t have to be one of them. Simply do the opposite and you’ll succeed.
1. Lack of Vision
I find that most people don’t really have a clear picture of exactly what they see for their business. They may have a vague idea in their head like ‘I want to be successful’ or ‘I want to make money’, but it’s not all that clear and it’s certainly not written down on paper.
So, if you’re going into business or are in one right now, let me ask you ‘How clear is your business vision’ and ‘Have you committed it to paper?’. If not, I would really encourage you to do this. For me, when I got very clear about what I wanted to achieve, my business doubled in the next 12 months.
Even though this idea is simple, it’s incredibly powerful.
2. Not Enough Education
While going into business has huge amounts of personal and financial rewards, it is not without its risks. And there are some people that lose large sums of money. However, if you want to calm the rocky seas and have a smoother ride through your business career, it is not only important, it’s critical that you get educated.
I’m talking about reading books and magazines, listening to audios in the car, attending every seminar and workshop that you can, and having mentors you can constantly learn from. Remember, as someone once said, the more you learn, the luckier you get.
3. The Wrong Strategy
Often, I meet business owners that work hard but they are not getting the results that they want. Then, when I chat with them, I discover that their strategy is completely off and are effectively trying to push a boulder up a hill – meaning, they are moving forward but it’s taking way more effort than required.
When you actually have the right strategy working for you in your business, everything flows. You achieve results so much faster because you are working with gravity and not against it.
So how do you find the right strategy? Well, quite simply, you find it by talking to other successful business owners. Rather than persisting with the slow and expensive ‘trial and error’ method, find others that have achieved great results and ask them for their input and advice.
4. Lack of Resilience
When I was starting out in business, I had this belief that successful people were successful because they somehow got lucky and they didn’t go through the same challenges as everyone else. However, I have discovered that successful people are successful because they have been through more crap than anyone else.
What I mean is, in business, stuff goes wrong. A marketing campaign bombs, a key staff member leaves, your computers get hit with a virus, etc. When this happens, it’s either you let it affect you for weeks or even months or you can just hurry up, deal with it quickly and move on.
I know sometimes it is easier said than done, but it is critical to business success.
5. Not Staying the Course
One of my mentors once said, ‘Anyone can get rich quick in business, as long as your definition of quick is ten years’. You see, there is no such thing as an overnight success. Most successful business owners I know have built their company over a period of time (normally 7-10 years).
So while I wish you fast and rapid success, don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen right away. Keep going, keep learning and keep making changes. Remember, in the race to success, anyone can win if you just stay in the race.
word of mouth is critical to the long-term success of any business. Without it working for you, it’s like pouring water into a bucket with a gigantic hole in the bottom. It means, you will always need to go out and find new customers and you are only as successful as your last offer or campaign.
So, services like
Recommendable are a great way to give your business the positive word of mouth exposure you need.